Buttermilk Pie - Just like my Nanny used to make

The nanny, Wanda Whiteley, was a wonderful cook. She was a wonderful woman. Born just after the Great Depression to a poor family with many siblings, her life as a child wasn't easy.

Because she suffered from severe asthma and was not healthy enough to walk miles to school each day, she stayed home and taught herself to read and write. She was loving, supportive, playful and adorable. I miss her so much.

 A few years before her death, she took the time to hand-write several of her favorite recipes in a small spiral notebook. She gave me this for a Christmas present and I cherish it to this day. She had horrible arthritis and it was too painful to painstakingly write every single prescription. This buttermilk pancake recipe is included and remains a family favorite.

* Ingredients :

° 1 3/4 m sugar
° 1 stick (1/2°C) unsalted butter, at room temperature.
° 3 large eggs
° 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
° a pinch of salt
° 3 t. All-purpose flour
° 1 c. buttermilk
° 1 9″ pie crust, uncovered

* How to make it :

Whisk the sugar and butter together until well blended. Beat eggs, 1 at a time, until mixture is smooth and fluffy. Add vanilla, salt and flour. Whisk the curd until well blended. Place pie crust on a baking sheet lined with tin foil (picking up any excess). Fill the pie crust with the buttermilk mixture up to the top of the crust. Pour any leftovers into an ungreased custard cup. Bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour and 10 minutes. Take it out of the oven and leave it to cool down almost before serving. Store in the refrigerator covered.

Enjoy !