Big-Apple-Fritters * Your kids will love it ! - Don't LOSE this recipe

There are few things as delicious or comforting as a warm homemade dessert. Am i right?? These easy apple pies are playable at home any time of the year! All you need is a handful of ingredients, and in no time your kitchen will smell great and everyone will be licking their fingers!

* ingredients :

° 3 cups all-purpose flour
° 1½ cups sugar
° 3 teaspoons baking powder
° Half a teaspoon of salt
° teaspoon apple pie spice
° 2 large eggs
° 1 cup milk
° 1 teaspoon vanilla
° 2 tablespoons soft butter
° 1½ cups peeled and sliced ​​apples
° frying oil
° confectioner's sugar

* Directions :

Pour the oil into a deep pan or Dutch oven about 3 inches deep. Heat to 375 degrees.Siift flour / sugar, salt, / apple pie spice to bowl.Put the eggs in a separate bowl and beat them lightly. Add milk and vanilla.Dig a hole in the center of the dry ingredients and pour the milk mixture into it.Add the oil and mix with a blender on low speed for about half a minute until soft.Clean the sides of the bowl; increase the speed for another 2 minutes. Add an apple.Pour into the hot oil with a ½ cup measuring cup.

Be careful not to spray oil.If the pan is not too big, you can bake one cake at a time.When the first side turns brown, flip it gently with a spoon. Create the second side.Pour water on a paper towel and sprinkle a lot of powdered sugar or powdered sugar immediately. I prefer icing sugar.For icing, mix the sugar with milk or water and heat it up.

Enjoy it !