VapoRub Isn't Just Meant For Colds.Here are 11 smart ways to improve your health


For a cough caused by a cold, it generally stops after 1 or 3 weeks without medication, however it is an easy soothing herbal medicine, including thyme and yogurt, that fights and relieves the cough. 

Honey: Used to fight colds in many cultures, it is an antioxidant that can strengthen and strengthen the immune system. Reducing cough, lethargy is one of the most important factors in getting rid of colds quickly.When it is cold, a secretory mechanism is immediately triggered in the center of sleep.

Eat crowns and vegetables, especially oranges, lemons and grapes, as they contain an excess of Diet C which strengthens immunity and facilitates faster removal of signs and symptoms. 
Ginger is also well known: due to its strong efficacy in treating colds, as well as various indications that include complications and rheumatism, it leads to the consumption of sparkling ginger instead of dried. 

Eat tamarind soup: Because tamarind contains antioxidants and beneficial minerals.
In addition, doctors suggest washing the nostril with saline, which facilitates in case of a stuffy nose, the answer is poured into one nostril from the opposite nostril, thus facilitating the smoothing of the sinuses, consistent with what was published.