Bacon-Cheddar-Deviled-Eggs ❤ So simple to make 😋

"What are we going to do with all the remaining hard-boiled eggs?" Season.Cheddar eggs with bacon and cheddar cheese are a delicious answer.It seems that every family has a classic iconic egg recipe that is prepared without question from year to year.In my family, my mom is in charge of making eggs and they are always perfect, even if she doesn't measure the ingredients!Maybe it's time to add the original stuffed scrambled eggs to the holiday menu, basic meal, or in-game changing menu. Cheddar and bacon are the perfect savory additions to this traditional appetizer and turn them into a side dish that will soon become a "must" menu item alongside your family recipe. 

* You will need:

° 14 eggs, well cooked.
° Half a cup of mayonnaise.
° Half a cup of sour cream.
° 1 & a half tsp Dijon mustard.
° 1 tsp juice lemon.
° Half a tsp pepper black.
° ¼ c cooked bacon.
° A c shredded sharp cheese cheddar.
° 2 tsp chopped chives 

* How do:

Transfer the yolks to a medium-sized bowl after cutting the eggs in half lengthwise. Finely chop 4 white halves.
Mash yolks, adding mayonnaise / sour cream / mustard /  lemon juice, pepper & blend  jointly . Adding chopp egg whites, bacon, cheese, & chives also blend.
Pour 1 tsp of yolk mixture to 24 white halves.
Cover it and put it in the fridge.Very simple, simple and delicious! It doesn't hurt to try it!Moreover, it is so easy and does not take time!My kids love them and I'm sure they will love them too!

Enjoy !